Tag Archives: Information Privacy

OlenderFeldman Quoted in State Farm’s “Fast Tracks”

When should you provide your social security number? State Farm asked us when sharing is required. State Farm contacted OlenderFeldman LLP to ask when sharing your social security number is appropriate: Think before revealing your Social Security Number (SSN). Its unauthorized use could lead to privacy invasion and identify fraud. Aaron Messing, an information privacy attorney…
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Yahoo! Suffers Data Breach; More Than 450,000 User Names and Passwords Exposed

If your password looks something like “123456,” you might want to change it. By Alice Cheng Late Wednesday evening, hackers successfully breached Yahoo! security published a list of unencrypted emails and passwords. The list exposed the login information of more than 450,000 Yahoo! users. The hackers, who call themselves the D33D Company, explained that they obtained the…
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Data Breach Prevention and Remediation: How to Protect Your Company from Hackers and Internal Threats and Ensure Your Customer’s Privacy

All companies, big and small, are at risk for data breaches. Most companies have legal obligations with respect to the integrity and confidentiality of certain information in its possession.  Information privacy and security is essential to  protect your business, safeguard your customers’ privacy, and secure your company’s vital information.   Recently, hackers gained access to…
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