Tag Archives: Best Practices

Social Media and Discovery

Social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, have become repositories of large amount of personal data. Increasingly this data is being viewed as relevant to all manner of litigation proceedings, and as such is increasingly being sought during discovery in civil litigation. Business and individuals that use social networking services should be aware of…
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Data Breach Prevention and Remediation: How to Protect Your Company from Hackers and Internal Threats and Ensure Your Customer’s Privacy

All companies, big and small, are at risk for data breaches. Most companies have legal obligations with respect to the integrity and confidentiality of certain information in its possession.  Information privacy and security is essential to  protect your business, safeguard your customers’ privacy, and secure your company’s vital information.   Recently, hackers gained access to…
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Social Media and the Workplace

No one wants to lose his or her job over a Facebook post. However, most employees also do not think twice before griping about a boss in a status update, or posting a picture from last Friday night on a coworker’s wall. While free speech has historically been protected in the United States, there can also be…
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